Very Inspiring Blogger Award

inspiring blogger award

I was just nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Inspiring The Girls. I’m thrilled that my musings have moved her to give me such an honor. It makes my newly found rejuvenation for my blog mean all the much more. Even though she is new to the blogging experience, I’m excited to see what she’ll post next. If only I had known someone like her when I was a young girl, it wouldn’t have taken me so long to know my worth! Thank you for the nomination as well as your writings.

My life has been a battle with one disease after another trying to knock me down. After 30 years, I’ve learned to embrace my “C’s”. I write to inform, to vent, to inspire, and to let other sufferers know that they are not alone in the fight.

There’s always a catch… here’s the rules.

1- Display the award logo on your blog

2- Link back to the person who nominated you

3- State 7 things about yourself

4- Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them

5- Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

7 Things About Me:

1- I’m married to Chris and have 2 sons, Alec (12 years) and Ian (6 years).

2- Not a day goes by that I don’t listen to music.

3- I love all types of music but, I’m a rock girl at heart.

4- My eyes are my best feature. (When they’re not sunk in from being sick.)

5- I’ll try anything, within reason, once.

6- I have a total of 11 tattoos and 10 piercings at the moment. (More tats to come eventually.)

7- My motto is to “Rise Up Above It”.

And in no particular order, these blogs inspire me:

1- Caring for Crohns (Rebecca is the wife of a Crohnie and her blog is devoted to the loved ones of sufferers.)

2- A Guy With Crohn’s (Jeffrey simply tells his story just like me.)

3- INFLAMED AND UNTAMED (Sara educates and shows other sufferers how to stay positive.)

4- Keeping Things Inside is Bad for My Health (Marisa hid her disease just like I did and she now let’s other sufferers know they’re not alone.)

5- AHHHHH!!!! I Have Crohns Disease!! (Amy educates, supports, and provides up to date info about IBD and other chronic diseases.)

6- Crohn’s Disease Survival Guide (Ryan is very open about his 4 year battle and has a refreshing perspective on the subject.)

7- The Caged Bird Still Sings (Lauren talks of having to adjust to the life she was given, instead of the life she had imagined. Her spirit alone is


8- Intense Intestines (I’m not personally an outdoor person but, Brian makes even me think that the physical and mental challenge of conquering the great outdoors can lead to strength and endurance in the battle against IBD related diseases.)

9- danabeesvoice (Dana has been with me since I first started my blog. She’s just an all around great woman.)

10- Raising 5 Kids With Disabilities and Remaining Sane Blog (Linda is inspiring alone with her actions but the humor she conveys in her writings make her all that much more so.)

11- 400 Days ‘til 40 (A blog devoted to figuring out life. Insightful as well as inspirational.)

12- Creative Cooking Gluten Free (A blog devoted to gluten free living and recipes. She’s inspired me more than once to get in the kitchen.)

13- Listful Thinking (Sometimes the best inspiration comes from letting go and having a good laugh. Stephanie provides just that.)

14- I like photo..! (I garnered my appreciation for beautiful photos from my husband. This blog always has stunning and inspiring photos from around the web.)

15- Chris Robertson (Last but certainly not least, my husband inspires me in one way or another every day. This is a taste of what I’m lucky to receive.)

4 Responses to “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”
  1. Dana Bennett says:

    Shay, I am so proud of you. AND, I thank you for your nomination of me and my blog! How very sweet of you! Keep on writing. You’re getting better and better every day, and I can see it’s making a huge difference in your outlook. Good for you, good for all of us!

  2. Amazing shay you deserve this award hands down 🙂

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